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What’s on the Ballot in 2024, Joe?

Articles | January 19, 2024 | by Catholics for Catholics

Joe Biden ran a campaign in 2020 during which, from his basement, he convinced people that “decency was on the ballot”.  Under Biden’s decency watch:

  • a United States Senate staffer engaged in pornography in the Senate Chambers
  • a former deputy assistant secretary in the Office of Nuclear Energy (and member of sisters of perpetual indulgence), Sam Britton, doubled his wardrobe by stealing luggage from multiple airport baggage claims
  • a man pretending to be a woman flashed his augmented breasts at a White House pride party with Mr. Decency, himself, present
  • None of this is to mention degenerate in chief, Hunter Biden and his cocaine, hookers, strippers, gun charges, and tax evasion

Clearly the claim that Good Catholic Joe Biden would restore decency to the Oval Office is the demented rambling of a meal brained candidate.  But if one were to engage in such bombastic language again, what, could be said to “be on the ballot” in 2024?  Consider.

Automobiles are under attack.  Under the auspices of climate change, the left is attacking the internal combustion engine.  This is a huge push from the left even though there are questions about the environmental footprint of batteries, the morality of the lithium, cobalt, manganese, nickel, and graphite mining which comprise the battery, how long it takes to get charged versus how far you can drive, the supply of charging stations in the broad American West, and the electrical grid’s lack of preparedness.  Cars which have push button starts, wifi hotspots, and can be turned on via cell phone, can be turned off remotely too.  They can be tracked.  They can be taxed by the mile.  Since the 1950s and 60s the automobile has been a symbol of independence and the left wants to restrict it.  There is no financial or strategic reason for the scrutiny and animas toward the American petroleum industry.  Given that we produce fuels here much cleaner and cheaper than elsewhere, it makes no sense that we force the closing of our pumps only to buy more petroleum from overseas countries.  In Europe, a debate is underway that would restrict the number of flights a person can take per year.

Put together, all of these discussions indicate an end goal designed to just restrict travel.  The C40 consortium of global mayors has targeted the elimination of 95% of private transportation.

Question:  Why is there a push away from real meat toward synthetic, lab-made meats and a bug-based diet?  The funny 1980s “Where’s the Beef” commercial, not withstanding, it is an interesting direction for the World Economic Forum to push Americans who have always enjoyed and relied upon cattle and livestock from states like Texas and Wyoming. 

Next issue on the ballot.  The border is broken, on purpose, and the current administration has zero interest in stemming the flow of persons with unknown intent into the United States.  Since the current administration took control, we know of more than eight million people that have entered the country illegally.  That is more than the individual populations of 38 different US states. 

The C40 consortium, the WHO, and the WEF all are encouraging the collaboration of countries, down to the mayoral level.  Sounds nice, but this collectivism comes at a cost.  That cost is the usurpation of the natural sovereignty of countries and peoples, guiding them to place their lives into the hands of global elitists like Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum.  The appropriate response of the US government should be to limit our interaction with those groups and to maintain the independence of this country.  That is why the abdication of control to these NGOs is so concerning.

The response to Covid was a Masters level course on government subjugation of its citizenry.  Under the guise of “two weeks to flatten the curve” Americans were forced indoors, to wear masks, to inject ourselves with experimental concoctions.  Schools were closed.  The dying were abandoned and bread lines suddenly formed.  Even church leaders fell into line.  Churches were closed and Sacraments were withheld.  Pope Francis instructed his 1.2 billion followers to get vaxxed as an act of mercy.

There are entire topics, First Amendment be damned, that cannot be discussed.  The vaccine itself, transgender care, the January 6th insurrection, evidence that the 2020 election was rigged, Jussie Smollett, Epstein Island – whose pedophile, rapist patrons will never be punished.  From the Twitter Files to YouTube there is a trail of speech suppression which sends a unified message from Hollywood, social media companies, and legacy news sources.  The message:  Those who dare to raise these topics will be de-monetized by YouTube, shadow banned on pre-Musk Twitter, and/or removed from their post in Tyler, Texas.  

The leftist government approves of locking up political prisoners, banning online opposition, and locking up pro-life Grannies.  Not since J. Edgar Hoover, has the country been so victimized by such things.  Catholic Joe Biden’s FBI is quite literally investigating and infiltrating the Catholic Church.  Religion, which places in a position of primacy the belief in anything other than the state is being threatened.  When this runs amok it does not end well.

In Canada, the Free Press is trampled. 

In Great Britain, freedom of Speech has been a casualty of the culture war.

Children are being indoctrinated in public schools and sacrificed on the altar of trans culture.

Add to these examples the constant flirting with gun control and you have the ingredients for a concerted effort to erase the building blocks of a free society; speech, press, arms, and congregation.  These rights do not originate from the government, they are endowed by the Creator and the struggle to prevent the government from infringing upon them is not a new one.  Some call this thought process conspiracy theory, but when the entirety of this puzzle is placed together it does appear to be a concerted effort to control and suppress liberty. 

Javier Milei in Argentina, Marine Le Pen in France, Georgia Meloni in Italy, and Donald Trump in the US are reviled because they believe in sovereignty.  They are nationalistic.  They don’t readily engage in the funding or fighting of far-off wars.  They put the concerns of their states ahead of the globalist utopia which would prefer if all citizens were one mewling mass.  There is nothing wrong with the beliefs of independent world leaders.  When it is subscribed to appropriately, the principle of proximity not only gives permission to a custodian, but the obligation to care for those in his immediate care, long before he turns his eyes to the world stage.

To be clear about something else, the adherence to these globalist philosophies is not the policy of Joe Biden.  Though he, individually, is incapable of speaking in complete sentences, this is not an error made by a demented fool.  Any Leftist stepping into the shoes of Biden would put forth the same agenda. 

As noted above, that agenda looks a lot like an effort to strip away self-worth and self-determination, both as an individual and as a country.  It appears that there is an effort to systematically erode American exceptionalism in favor of a globalist collective.  One world, one people.  For now, the reality may be further advanced in Australia, Canada, and the UK than in the US.  Americans have always been more difficult to corral than other Western nations.  The 2nd Amendment quietly plays a role in why we haven’t advanced as far along this path as Justin Trudeau’s Canada.  The question that is yet to be answered: Does exceptionalism remain the American destiny?    

Even assuming a fair election in 2024, the results have to go the right way to save the country.  Party affiliations don’t mean anything anymore.  If more Mitt Romneys, Nikki Haleys and Mitch McConnells are elected, the country no better off, resulting in just a decreased rate of managed decline.  What is necessary is radical, rebellious action at the voting booth.  What is needed is the resolve of a Churchill.  Like that of Vivek Ramaswamy who promised the occupational termination of 75% of government employees and the shuttering of entire government agencies.  Ramaswamy has dropped out of the campaign and has endorsed Trump.  Should Governor Ron DeSantis not fare significantly better in New Hampshire than he did in Iowa, he will soon do the same.  The Maginot Line for RINO Nikki Haley is her home state of South Carolina.  But if Trump is elected, Vivek ought to be named Secretary of Decimation.  Give him a scythe and let him go to work.   

The emancipated people that we have been for 250 years is endangered. Even the classically liberal anarchist, non-conformist, should be terrified by the goings on in the pustular halls of government, yet they are not.  As poll since the turn of the millennium consistently show, this country is pretty evenly split, with about 45% of people supporting this collectivist course of action.   The American Experiment itself is what is on the ballot in 2024.  If Biden, or a replacement slipped in at the DNC in Chicago, win the 2024 election it may be the final slouch toward global collectivism. 





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