Perpetual Adoration live from St. Benedict’s, Melbourne

In times past, most Catholics had easy access to a convent or monastery where they could visit the nuns or monks to ask for prayers. Due to a number of factors, this precious resource is no longer easily accessible in the modern world. Catholics for Catholics wants to change that. Since “Prayer is the oxygen of the Soul” as Padre Pio famously said, we want to connect the world again to these precious souls who devote their lives to prayer on behalf of the world.

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Catholics for Catholics has partnered with a group of Carmelite nuns in the Midwest who have graciously offered to PRAY FOR YOU. You can write them here and they will be faxed (the Nuns don’t have internet) so they can take them before the Lord. We encourage you to take advantage of this wonderful gift for no matter how many things may separate us, all humanity has a need for prayer and for God.

Click the button above to have your prayer intentions sent to the Carmelite nuns of the Monastery of the Holy Cross.


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