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Taylor Marshall announces 2024 presidential run founded on Catholic values

The Good News | May 13, 2023 | by Catholics for Catholics

Taylor Marshall, a traditional Catholic author, father of eight, and podcaster, has announced that he’s running for President of the United States.

Marshall previously endorsed President Donald Trump’s re-election bid in 2020, during which time he served on the board of Catholics for Trump. Marshall is perhaps best known for hosting the Dr. Taylor Marshall Show, which he uses to discuss — from a Catholic perspective — the New World Order, international Masonry, the Great Reset, and a wide range of other topics.  

While it is not readily apparent what his approach to domestic or foreign affairs would be, Marshall has often spoken about the need for robust pro-family, pro-life policies. 

Catholics for Catholics spoke with Dr Taylor Marshall on the phone on Friday, just hours after he announced, who confirmed that he will indeed be running. Dr. Marshall has long argued for the deep roots of Catholicism in the USA and the inherent need to go back to the sources, something his campaign will do. Dr. Marshall believes “in the crypto-Catholic political philosophy present in the American Revolution and the founding of the United States. America will perish without the philosophical and theological tradition of Catholicism.” 

Catholics for Catholics has thus far not endorsed any candidate. We are grateful for the conversations this will trigger in the public square about defending our Catholic faith from religious liberty attacks while giving the opportunity for our rich tradition to be shared anew. 

This story is developing. Please check back for updates. 


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