United States for Life

Fight for life. Stop the 10 extreme pro abortion amendments in America. Take action now!

Join our prayer campaign

“Abortion remains our pre-eminent priority"

"Vote so that all children in the womb will be protected in law and welcomed in love" USCCB


Thou Shall "VOTE NO"

10 States have certified November Ballot measures that would codify abortion without restriction into the State Constitution

See Ballot Measures by State

Life is a Gift From God

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you.” St. Jeremiah 1:5

Pray to Stop the 10 Amendments


“Heading into the November elections, as many as ten states face gravely evil ballot initiatives that would enshrine abortion in their state constitutions…VOTE so that all children in the womb will be protected in law and welcomed in love, and that all mothers and families will be strengthened by our support and accompaniment.” US Conference of Catholic Bishops

These misleading abortion amendments would enshrine abortion into the State Constitution, allow abortions up until the moment of birth, eliminate parental consent for a minor to have an abortion, open the door to force taxpayer funding of abortion, endanger the health and safety of women, allow abortions to be performed by non doctors. For these and many other reasons, this Election voters need to “VOTE NO” on these amendments.


This October, Month of the Rosary, join us in prayer for the protection of life in America

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of Life, pray for the unborn.

Download "Thou Shall VOTE NO" Flyer

Download our “Thou Shall VOTE NO” flyer, print out and distribute at your parish, share with friends and family > DOWNLOAD PDF 

Download and save “Thou Shall VOTE NO” graphic to post on Social Media. DOWNLOAD POST

Make sure to share this link > UnitedStatesForLife.com

Note to Your Parish Priest

We invite you to respectfully send this note to your parish priest:

Dear Father,

I recently committed to a prayer campaign so that the Abortion Amendments will be defeated in November. As you know, there are 10 States across America that will be voting on whether or not the right to end a child’s life at any stage in the womb should be enshrined into the respective State Constitution. You can read more about this here: UnitedStatesForLife.com

I am excited that the US Bishops have ALL spoken up clearly on these State Propositions. I know you already do a lot to teach us the Catholic Faith, but I would love if you would add this to the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass as other Catholic parishes are doing. There is no more powerful moment of prayer than at the Mass and thus the greatest opportunity to implore God’s help vs this grave evil.

Thank you again for all you do for us!

A Faithful Parishioner

“Let us pray for all unborn babies, that Catholics will heed the Bishops’ teaching and VOTE NO on all those State Propositions seeking to enshrine abortion into the State Constitution, and thus build the Culture of Life in this Country, We Pray to the Lord. – Lord, Hear Our Prayer!”

Arizona - Prop 139

Arizona Right to Abortion Initiative (Prop 139):

Pro-Life Groups
It Goes too Far: www.itgoestoofar.com
Arizona Right to Life: www.azrighttolife.com

Colorado - Amendment 79
Florida - Amendment 4

Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion (Amendment 4):

Pro-Life Groups:
CforC: cforc.com/prayflorida
Do No Harm Florida: www.donoharmfl.org
Florida Voters Against Extremism: www.tooextremeforfl.com
Catholic Diocese of Petersburg: www.dosp.org/voteno
Florida Physicians Against Amendment 4 – fpaa4.com

Maryland - Question 4

Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment (Question 1):

Pro-Life Group:
Marylanders for Health Not Harm: https://www.healthnotharmmd.org/

Missouri - Amendment 3

Missouri Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment (Amendment 3): https://ballotpedia.org/Missouri_Right_to_Reproductive_Freedom_Amendment_(2024)

Pro-Life Groups: 
Missouri Right to Life
Missouri Stands with Women

Montana - CI-128

Montana Right to Abortion Initiative (CI-128 Ballot Issue #14): https://ballotpedia.org/Montana_Right_to_Abortion_Initiative_(2024)

Pro-life Group:
Montana Family Foundation: www.montanafamily.org

Nebraska - Initiative 439

Nebraska Initiative 439: VOTE NO https://ballotpedia.org/Nebraska_Right_to_Abortion_Initiative_(2024)

Pro-Life Group:
Protect Women and Children Nebraska https://nebraskarighttolife.org/protect-women-and-children/

Nebraska Initiative 434 – VOTE YES
This pro-life bill will:
• Provide constitutional protection for preborn babies during the 2nd and 3rd trimester.
• Leave intact countless health and safety laws passed over the last 50 years to protect women and babies, including informed consent, parental notification, and licensing and inspection requirements for abortion facilities.
• Allow legislators the ability to provide additional protections against abortion for the safety of women, babies, and everyone involved.

Remember to Vote:
NO on 439 X
YES on 434

Nevada - Question 6

Nevada Right to Abortion Initiative (Question 6): https://ballotpedia.org/Nevada_Question_6,_Right_to_Abortion_Initiative_(2024)

Pro-Life Group: Coalition for Parents and Children

New York - Prop 1

New York Equal Protection of Law Amendment (Prop 1): https://ballotpedia.org/New_York_Equal_Protection_of_Law_Amendment_(2024)

Pro-Life Group:
Coalition to Protect our Kids – www.protectkidsny.com

South Dakota - Amendment G

South Dakota Freedom Amendment (Amendment G):

Pro-Life Group:
Life Defense Fund – lifedefensefund.com

Respect Life Month Novena - USCCB

This novena prays for the protection of human life, from conception to natural death. Each day of the novena features a different pro-life prayer intention which is accompanied by a short reflection and suggested actions to help build a culture of life.


Respect Month Life Statement from USCCB

Respect Month Life Statement by Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge Chairman, USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities – October 2024.

Click here to read > 

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