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2024 Catholic Voter’s Guide

Articles | June 27, 2024 | by Catholics for Catholics

“Live in the Truth and the Truth will set you free!

In these days leading up to Independence Day, a day to celebrate our freedom, we must remember what brings true freedom. Jesus Christ gave us that answer.

“Live in the Truth and the Truth will set you free”. John 8:32 Our Lord knew that true freedom is found in living in truth, removed from the bondage of sin. Satan is the “father of lies” the antithesis of Truth.

Living in Truth can be practiced when we go vote. Thankfully, the two thousand years of Catholic tradition has bequeathed principles of truth to guide our conscience when head to the ballot box.

Catholics for Catholics has boiled down those 2,000 years into a handy voter guide so that Catholics around America will be ready to vote in truth in the weeks leading up to November 5th. This guide is meant to be shared with friends all over. Maybe the pastor at your local Church will allow these to be placed in the back of Church?


As we gear up for the most important election in US history let us commit to fight for truth and seek the Lord above all else who is the way, the truth and the life!

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