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Which Way, Catholic Man?

Articles | June 19, 2023 | by Catholics for Catholics

On June 14 Joe Biden’s parish in DC celebrated an LGBTQ “Pride Mass”.  The Archdiocese of Washington had no comment, their spokespersons directed questions to the website of Holy Trinity Parish.  This is not the first time Cardinal Wilton Gregory; Archbishop of Washington, has chosen to navigate his diocese into muddy waters.  His decision not to deny pro-abortion politicians, specifically Biden and Pelosi, access to the Blessed Sacrament was announced in a November 2020 interview.  Since then, on issue after issue, Joe Biden has presided over the most anti-Catholic administration in history. 

“In June, Catholics celebrate the Month of #SacredHeart.  LGBTQ people celebrate #PrideMonth.  LGBTQ Catholics celebrate both.  One shows us how Jesus loves.  The other shows us whom Jesus calls us to love today.”     These blasphemous comments, allowing for coexistence and consistency in gay behavior and the atonement attributed to devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, was tweeted on the second of June by Father James Martin, SJ.

On June 5, Pope Francis, himself, sent a handwritten letter to Martin supporting an Outreach LGBTQ Conference at Fordham University.  This is not the first time Francis has publicly supported Martin’s ministry to welcome, but not reform, homosexual behavior. 

The LGBTQ+ group, AGLO – the Archdiocesan Gay and Lesbian Outreach of Chicago ministry – has announced, with pride, that Cardinal Blase Cupich will offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for them in their annual Pride ceremony, June 18 at 7pm. 

At this point it is worth noting that both Cardinals Cupich and Gregory have been aggressive in the suppression of the Traditional Latin Mass.  Neither Cardinal has shown interest in reaching out to that community, nor would they ever be caught offering a Mass in Latin, but LGBTQ pride Masses are something altogether different.   

Friday night, June 16, on the actual feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,the LA Dodgers consummated their descent into debauchery.  The Dodgers went ahead with their celebration of Pride Night, including their honoring The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.  This is the satanic group which mocks holy nuns devoted to service of the Church, profanes the Crucifixion of Christ, and desecrates His Blessed Mother.  Catholics have been stunned by the decision to celebrate this group known for attacking Catholicism and the dignity of the human.  Catholics for Catholics, in conjunction with Virgin Most Powerful Network, Catholic Vote, and several other Catholic, non-Catholic and non-Christian religious communities came together to promote reparation and prayer during a procession and rally culminating at Dodger Stadium. 

The depravity elevated on the infield of Dodger Stadium was not the only thing that astonished the prayerful petitioners.  Those in attendance recognized the noticeable absence of Archbishop Gomez or anyone from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.  In fact, one of the last public comments by the Archdiocese was to specifically announce that it had not given “backing or approval” to the prayer efforts against the sacrilege in its back yard.  A June 9 memo from auxiliary Bishop Gerald Wilkerson announced that the leaders of the archdiocese planned to “take a step back and hope for dialogue with all relevant parties.”  Lead organizer, Catholics for Catholics, upon reaching out to the archdiocese were told that they would not be involved with the rally and were referred to the California Bishops Conference.  Spokespersons for the Bishops Conference told C4C directly that they, too, would be missing.

They would not be getting involved?  Tradition holds that the “IHS” so prevalently displayed in Catholic Churches, and on priestly vestments originates in 312 AD as an inscription, included with a cross, on the armor of Emperor Constantine the Great in battle.  In hoc signo vinces – By this sign you shall conquer.  This is militaristic language.  It was used by the men who were willing to be martyred in order to protect and grow Christendom.  Of course, none of the attendees at the rally were expecting conquest by the sword, just the prayers and presence of the purported leaders of their Church.  But for those estimated 5000 faithful in attendance, there were no companions on the journey up Vin Scully Ave to Chavez Ravine. 

The Pilgrims were left abandoned and with questions;

According to the Free Beacon, a new bill in California would punish parents who don’t affirm their child’s gender identity.  The bill, which has already passed the State Assembly, would allow non-affirmation to be defined as abuse which could affect custody and visitation. Will the Catholic Bishops of California take a stand against this attack on the first teachers of the Faith?  Will they get involved then?  Oregon and Washington state are currently passing laws giving teenagers, as young as 15, access, to “gender-affirming” care, such as puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and life-altering surgeries even without parental consent.  Where is the Church?  This is not primarily a political issue, and these battles for parental rights should not be waged solely by conservative pundits and members of the twittersphere.  For these battles to be waged with our best efforts, the Colonels on the ground need to be religious.  Bishop Strickland notwithstanding, Eric Sammons, editor-in-chief of Crisis Magazine, appears to have been correct when he tweeted last week, “I’m convinced that the modern episcopal consecration rite must include a spine-removal ceremony.”

Priests, bishops and cardinals must put on the armor of God.  This should no longer be an effort led by the Daily Wire or Jesse Romero.  The faithful will be present, when needed, to fall-in behind strong men in clerics who are willing to step into the breach.  Weak men have created a weakened church.  This Church, circa 2023, needs a purification, a purging of weak-knees masquerading as leaders.  Martin, Gregory, Gomez, and Cupich are not serious men endowed with the mettle to give response to the grave insults hurled at the Church established by Christ Himself.  They are custodians of the faith and they have failed. The mockery at Dodger Stadium made it clear where the battle lines are drawn. And they are drawn exactly where our Blessed Mother, at Fatima, warned us they would be…marriage and family.  This mockery is part and parcel of that battle.  It is part and parcel of the homosexual agenda.

But if these assaults on the Faith, on parenthood, on children, the family and marriage don’t unite us, then what does anymore?  And if this affront did not unite the Church and ignite the bishops, there are three potential reasons why.  First – perhaps the Church is wrong.  If so, our absent leaders should flat out tell us that the Church has evolved on these issues, and that for two millennia Church teaching has been flawed, and that any behavior goes now.  A second possibility is that the bishops have turned their back out of cowardice, and a lack of taste for debate.  The last, and scariest, option is that they are acting in favor of their own proclivities, and that they are infiltrating the Church so as to sanitize and sterilize their own sinful natures.  So, which is it?  Has the Church adapted, are our bishops cowards, or are they modernist, heretic homosexuals? 

These men are shrewd.  They give the impression that rather than engage in altercation, they prefer to comfort old ladies, like some talk show host.  The truth, however, is more insidious.  It appears by their priorities that they wish to disrupt the old teaching and usher in a newly colonized church.  As things currently stand, that this sacrilege took place under Archbishop Gomez’ nose, and that it went unchallenged, except by a few brave Bishops is an insult to Christ Himself and an abdication of their duty.  “But yet the Son of Man, when he cometh, shall he find, think you, faith on earth?”  [Luke 18:8]  They should renounce the Faith or repent.  Their eternal souls are imperiled even more than the flock looking to them for guidance.  

This is the Phineas moment from Numbers 25.  It is Christ taking the time to braid a whip of cords, His righteous and holy anger welling up inside of Him.  This should have been challenged.  The apathy and complicity shown by the Church to June Pride must end. 

This scandalous outreach has gone too far.  Confusion has been allowed to spread.  Confusion is from the Enemy and is used to camouflage his true purpose. It is the sine qua non for many of the biggest problems embroiling the Church today.  Strong priestly men with strong voices need to arise from this ugly episode, lest we become a house divided.  Next June, we hope it will be the renewed mission of the Church to answer every Pride event, every woke superstore, every abomination with a prayerful public rebuke.  Make it the job of the local Bishop.  Trickle down to the parishes.  To the streets.  No more confusing and scandalous Pride Masses or outreach unless they revolve around repentance.  Any who can’t get on board with that, like James Martin, need to be called upon to publicly repent or they need to be shown the door.    


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