Catholics for Catholics and Catholic Speakers announces that Angelica Park, social media influencer and Catholic speaker, will be present at the August 6 Ohio Prayer Rally to save Ohio’s children from abortion and genital mutilation. We also aim to protect the State Constitution.
“Hi, thank you so much for doing this! I am so excited I get to be a part of such a historic event! God is good and I am proud to be a Catholic in this generation. His church will never fail! God bless you and thank you for all you do!!”
Angelica Park started her career at 17 years old, speaking and singing for the March for Life in Washington, D.C., for President Donald J. Trump. She has raised over $45,000 for children with cancer with her very own nonprofit, the Happily Ever After Foundation. She has continued her Prolife career by speaking around the country at conventions, rallies, and galas, releasing her original pro-life song “Listen Can You Hear Them,” and being interviewed for exclusives on Live Action News, National Catholic Register, EWTN, March for Life, Guadalupe Radio, and many more. Now at 21, she is finishing her Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Biology at Baylor University. She is proud to represent her generation in her pro-life and Catholic beliefs. With Mother Angelica as her namesake, she prays to follow in her footsteps and spread the Eternal Word across the world. Keep this beautiful and talented young woman in your prayers as she fights for Christ in the battles affecting our youth! Follow her on Instagram and Facebook @angelicapark421 for big things to come.
The rally will be held from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Dorl Field in Norwood, Ohio, 10 minutes from downtown Cincinnati, and will also feature General Michael Flynn, a senior adviser of Catholics for Catholics, in addition to other prominent Christian leaders.
Catholics for Catholics’s prayer rally aims to pray for the passage of and encourage as many people as possible to vote “yes” on Issue 1, which would require a stronger majority of Ohioans to vote in favor of any new proposed constitutional amendments and could prevent the radical amendment from being passed. A special election on Issue 1 will be held Tuesday, August 8.
Click here for full details about the upcoming Prayer Rally.
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