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Celebrating the Feast Day of St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland

Articles | November 16, 2023 | by Catholics for Catholics

November 16 is a significant day for the Church as it marks the feast day of St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland. Originally celebrated on June 10, her feast day was moved to November 16 upon the renewal of the Church’s Liturgical calendar to coincide with the day of her death. While some still observe her feast on June 10, many, including all of Scotland, celebrate her feast today.

Margaret was born into royalty in Hungary in 1045. Her father, Edward Atheling, was heir to the English throne, and her mother was Princess Agatha of Hungary. Her family returned to England when she was 10 years old, but the Norman Conquest forced them into exile. Her father had passed away by this time, and her mother fled with the children. They eventually landed on the coast of Scotland, where they remained.

In 1070, Margaret wed the king of Scotland, Malcolm Canmore, at the age of 25. As queen, Margaret’s faith had a significant influence on her husband’s reign. Through her grace and poise, she was able to soften his temper and lead him to practice virtues. Margaret was a model of purity and reverence, which inspired others to follow in her path. Together, she and the king prayed and fed the hungry, offering a powerful witness of faith to the people they served.

Margaret’s dedication to social justice and the poor of Scotland was unwavering. She worked tirelessly to bring relief to those in need, and she built churches and encouraged religious practices. In her private life, she exhibited great prayerfulness and piety. Her influence was felt not only in her husband’s reign but throughout all of Scotland.

Margaret passed away in 1093, just four days after her husband and one of her sons were killed in battle. Pope Innocent IV canonized her in 1250, and she was named the patron saint of Scotland in 1673.

For the original article click here.


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