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Catholics for Catholics Statement on Fr Edward Beck and CNN Twisting of the Christmas Story

Articles, News Release, Press Release | December 28, 2023 | by Catholics for Catholics

December 28th, 2023
Feast of the Holy Innocents Martyrs

Catholics for Catholics Holds Fr Edward Beck and CNN Accountable for their interpretation of the “Christmas Story”

Fr Edward Beck on CNN attempted to link the “story of Christmas” to the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, sparking intense backlash on social media.  “What I’m so struck by is that the story of Christmas is about a Palestinian Jew- how often do you find those words put together?  A Palestinian Jew born into a time when his country was occupied, right?”

CORRECTION: Father, that’s just the point; you don’t find those words “Palestinian Jew” and Jesus put together for a reason. Whether intentionally or not, the word pairing places Our Lord on the political side of the current Israeli – Palestini conflict. While the origin of the word Palestine came into use well before Christ and referred to that area of the world where He was born tempting us to label Christ as a “Palestinian Jew”. However, not even Our Lord referred to himself in this way.

When Christ appeared to St. Paul on the road to Damascus Act 22,  Paul asked him, “Who are you Lord?”, Jesus responded, “I am Jesus the Nazarene.”  Referring to Christ the way he geographically refers to himself will prevent the confusion that caused scandal at CNN on Christmas morning.

CORRECTION: Fr Beck goes on, “They can’t find a place for her to even give birth, his mother. They’re homeless. They eventually have to flee as refugees into Egypt, no less. I mean, you can’t make up the parallels to our current world situation right now.” The real parallel from this “Christmas Story” which CNN and Fr Beck need to make is the one between the MASSACRE of the Holy Innocent Babies of Bethlehem, and the MASSACRE of the innocent Israelis on October 7. After all it was a Jewish Leader, King Herod who allowed his OWN people, the young children of Bethlehem to be killed in an effort to keep his power.

With news breaking that not only were the AP reporters imbedded among the terrorists during the October 7 attack but also that there was a 7 hour security stand down authorized by someone in the Israeli Government this begs the question; who knew about this and was this allowed on purpose? If so then the real historic parallel is mind boggling. In both situations it seems Jewish leaders may have allowed the MASSACRES of their own people to take place.

On this Anniversary of the Massacre of the Holy Innocents, we ask CNN to get to the bottom of who allowed the October 7 attack and we implore our Catholic Bishops to hold Fr Beck accountable as their duty to protect the Deposit of Faith impels them to.

Click here for a copy of the press release by Catholics for Catholics

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