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Saint Vincent of Saragossa

Articles | January 20, 2024 | by Catholics for Catholics

St. Vincent was Deacon of Saragossa, and a martyr under Diocletian in 304. This most renowned martyr of Spain is represented in the dalmatic of a deacon, and has as emblems a cross, a raven, a grate, or a fire-pile. He is honored as patron in Valencia, Saragossa and Portugal. Very little can be confirmed about his life.

By order of Governor Dacian, Vincent and his bishop were dragged in chains to Valencia and kept in prison there for a long time. Then Valerius was banished, but Vincent was subjected to many cruel torments including the rack, the gridiron, and scourgings. After suffering these, he was again imprisoned in a cell strewn with shards of broken pots. He was then placed in a soft and luxurious bed, to shake his constancy, but there he expired.

After peace was restored to the Church, a chapel was built over Vincent’s remains outside the walls of Valencia.

For the original Catholic News Agency article click here.


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