Welcome to HomilayUSA, CforC’s weekly wakeup call to action. It’s not a Homily, because we’re not priests. So it’s a HomiLAY because we’re lay people talking to other Catholic laity.
February 22nd is a special day for Americans and also for Catholics. For Americans, it is the Birthday of George Washington, our first President. For Catholics it is the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, which symbolizes the authority of the Pope.
The former points to the seat of secular authority, the Presidency, and the latter to the spiritual one, the Papacy. Yes, Christ is the cornerstone of the Church but it was Our Lord himself who said, “You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church!”
These two seats of authority are led by men not angels. Some have been saints and others sinners. To ensure we get a saintly pope, we can’t do much except pray that when the white smoke comes out of the conclave the Cardinals have made a good decision. But to ensure we get a good President, we can do a hec of a lot more than just praying.
We can work hard to elect the right President. Catholics for Catholics is doing just that. We are on the frontlines of the battleground states working alongside groups like Turning Point Action to ensure our Faith Community gets out to vote.
We will be sharing more details very soon on how you can get involved because your help will be needed.
In that famous passage on the papacy Christ also said, “the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it!” Mt 16. Think about that. The gates of the netherworld means the forces of good went on the OFFENSIVE..to the gates. If you think as a Catholic that you can sit in your little fort and stay on defense, you’re missing the point. Christ calls His Church to follow Him as we assault the gates of hell itself. With Him as our leader, and firmly rooted in the state of grace, we will bring this Country back to God.
God Bless and Fight On!
John C. Yep
Catholics for Catholics
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Your action is key to winning the next Presidential Election.