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2,024 Masses for Trump and USA Campaign!

Articles | June 19, 2024 | by John Yep

The greatest victories are won through prayer.

From the Battle of Lepanto, to General Washington kneeling in the snow of Valley Forge, Catholics and patriots have turned to God in moments of great difficulty. What’s at stake in 2024 merits the concerted efforts of believers turning to the Lord for help.

As Catholics we know the Mass is the greatest possible prayer of intercession because it is the perfect offering of Christ to the Father. It is a longstanding tradition in the Church that a priest may be requested to offer a Mass for a specific intention, even when one cannot be physically present at the Mass.

It is only fitting then that “we the people”, we the lay faithful, request Masses to be said for our Nation in need.

To that end we’re launching the Holy Masses for President Trump Campaign. These Masses will be offered for all patriots working hard during this election period to fight back vs the atheistic communism that seeks to destroy the family, male and female genders, our borders, the victims of human trafficking, the rights of the unborn etc.

Our goal is to reach 2024 Masses offered for him and the Country before Election Day. To help us, we encourage you to:

1.  Contact your local parish and ask that a priest offers up a Mass for this intention.

2. Send a MASS CARD directly to President Trump along with a personalized message letting him know that you had a Mass offered for him. You will also have the option to receive your own card sent to your house as a reminder to pray for the Country. You can do all this right here via our website.


We offered the very first Mass of this great Campaign last week right at the People’s Convention in Detroit where 10k activists gathered with President Trump. Christ Himself became present with us in that room fueling our hearts for the battles ahead.

All true apostolic work must begin and end before our Lord. We forgive our enemies, even those who are destroying our Country but we pray that they will soon be out of power and that President Trump may one day come home to the one true Faith.

God Bless and Fight On!

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