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Mischief, Thou Art Afoot

Articles | June 6, 2024 | by Catholics for Catholics

Inarguably, Donald Trump has captured the imagination and loyalty of a plurality of Americans.  Proving this, his felony convictions on 34 violations of contorted applications and interpretations of laws, have resulted in new supporters flocking to his defense.  It is beyond belief that some estimates put a number of 200 million dollars of contributions flowing into his campaign in the 48 hours following his conviction.  As reported, much of this seems to be from small donors, from first time donors, minority donors, and from those who have never fully supported Trump before.  These are the folks who held their nose when voting for him but never donated, these are folks who were on the fence and ultimately voted for Biden or a quixotic third-party candidate.  Polls currently put Trump at a 12 percent advantage with independents over Biden this go around, and who knows how many tepid RFK Jr supporters have thrown in with The Donald because they were so disgusted by last week’s ugly weaponization of the due process of law.       

Many conservative pundits are pleased to announce that the 2024 election for President is over.  Some moderate and out of favor liberals have done so as well.  History suggests that when things look too good to be true, they usually are.  This, what appears now to be a pyrrhic victory for the anti-Trump establishment, is not over.  Trump haters own or control the cogs which move the government.  More dangerous to the Trump re-election hopes than liberal stooges like Judge Juan Merchan, Alvin Bragg and Fani Willis are the unknown, faceless bureaucratic deep staters ensconced in hidden power that they will not relinquish without a final fight.  Remember, as FDR’s “Uncle” Joe Stalin believed, “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”

This apparent backfire in lawfare will not stop radical leftists threatened by Trump.  Like the serpent, they are too conniving.  When they are invited onto CNN and MSNBC, they will put smiles on their faces and accuse MAGA of everything from obscure campaign finance violations to kicking puppies.  They will continue on with the trope that “democracy is at stake,” and that the foundation of our country is jeopardized. Then they will do whatever the hell they must. They will put political dissidents in jail. They will launder money through Ukraine, besmirch Supreme Court Justices, contrive over-hyped viruses and rig elections.  These people have gone too far down this path to stop now.  These people are villains, but they are not stupid. That this battlefront seems to have backfired should leave conservatives with the odd feeling that something is up the sleeves of their political enemies.  It must also not be forgotten that many nominal republicans were absent the day that testicles and brains were distributed.  Leftists employ guerilla warfare while Republicans are stuck drinking tea with their pinkies sticking out. 

Between Mark Zuckerburg funded voting drop boxes, ballot harvesting, burst water pipes in the middle of the night in Fulton County, Georgia, and more than one state voting stations that had mathematically impossible streaks of hundreds of thousands of Biden votes with none for Trump – we see what they did last election. Even the bluest of districts had the occasional outlier who voted Trump.  If they will do all this, what won’t they do in the next election?  Bird flu?  Dominion voting systems?  Hanging chads?  The reaction to the Trump cases does not call for the premature popping of corks, they are cause for concern, caution and diligence. None of which are strong suits for the old-guard GOP, some of whom dread Trump as much as his persecutors.  This funny business should certainly enlighten us all, right and left, as to what they are willing to do to protect their causes from Donald Trump and MAGA.  The Orwell, Kafkaesque machine will not allow uneducated, slacked jawed, mouth breathing, bible thumping, radical troglodytes to decide the future of the country.  Trump may come out this November with more counties, more states, and more electoral votes than Biden and still not emerge as the next President of the United States.  The left has already justified their actions because Trump is such a threat to their political and personal agendas, and they must do whatever is necessary to derail him.   These leftists will act covertly and will fortify this last hill on which they are prepared to die.  One hopes the right is as shrewd.

This article was written by Louis Biad, a contributor to Catholics for Catholics.



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