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Trump Contacts Widow of Firefighter Who Died Safeguarding His Family

Articles | July 18, 2024 | by cforcadmin

Old Glory American Flag Photo by Mega27 from Pixabay
(Old Glory American Flag Photo by Mega27 from Pixabay)

The widow of the volunteer firefighter who tragically lost his life at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania over the weekend mentioned that the former president, Trump, reached out to her and was described as “very kind,” according to a report.

Helen Comperatore shared on Facebook that Trump called her on Tuesday, three days after her husband Corey was fatally shot while shielding his family during the event in Butler, as reported by the New York Post.

“He was very kind and mentioned that he would keep in touch with me in the coming days and weeks,” the widow wrote. “I expressed to him what I have told everyone else. Corey departed as a hero, and God accepted him. His sacrifice was not in vain that day.”

Helen Comperatore recounted to the New York Post that her husband’s final words were “get down!”

“He’s my hero,” Helen Comperatore told the newspaper from her residence in Sarver, Pennsylvania. “He just said, ‘get down!’ That was the last thing he said.”

“We were all together as a family,” she continued. “He was looking forward to a lovely day with the family.”

Corey Comperatore, aged 50, previously served as the fire chief for the Buffalo Township Volunteer Fire Company. The department has now established a memorial outside its firehouse displaying Comperatore’s uniform in tribute to him as a “brother, son, husband, father, and friend.”

Helen Comperatore mentioned that President Biden attempted to reach out to her family after the incident but she declined, stating, “I didn’t want to talk to him.”

“I didn’t speak with Biden,” she explained. “My husband was a staunch Republican, and he would not have wanted me to engage with him.”

“I hold no animosity towards Joe Biden,” Comperatore elaborated. “I am a Trump supporter, that’s who I’m backing, but I bear no ill feelings towards Biden.”

Helen Comperatore characterized the shooter at the rally, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, as a “despicable kid.”

(Source: Fox News)

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