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“Defend Us In Battle” National Billboard Campaign

Articles | August 2, 2024 | by Catholics for Catholics

Lead with prayer!
As Catholics, it’s our primary duty as citizens of this nation. Prayer has the power to make a difference.

Consider the timing of our launch of the “2,024 Masses for Trump” Campaign – just before the former President survived an assassination attempt in Butler, PA. He should not have survived that day, but we believe he was spared by God through the prayers of many.

President Trump is planning to return to the same location where he was attacked to hold a rally honoring Americans affected by this cowardly act. Whatever your thoughts, it’s undeniably courageous. SUPPORT US TODAY

Photo: Defend Us In Battle Billboard Campaign

The events of that day revealed a failure in the U.S. Secret Service. Whether intentional or not, the Senate and common sense will continue their investigation. Regardless, it’s clear that the President needs our prayers, and Catholics for Catholics will continue to support him. We will blanket the fairgrounds with prayers.

Catholics for Catholics recently launched the “Defend Us in Battle National Billboard Campaign.” The first billboards appeared in Butler, PA, and the initiative has since expanded to Arizona, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, with plans to spread nationwide. Each billboard displays a powerful image of Saint Michael alongside President Trump, invoking the Archangel’s protection to “Defend Us in Battle.”

It’s not just about physical safety; this is a spiritual battle. Both sides of the political spectrum face moral challenges, which we acknowledge. It is our responsibility to pray for our country’s leaders.

These billboards symbolize our belief in the power of prayer to influence and guide our leaders toward positive change.

Interested in joining us? Start by faithfully reciting the Saint Michael Prayer daily. Pray for your loved ones and for the United States. If you’d like to support this initiative beyond Election Day, you can contribute below.

We admire America for its incredible people. Let’s pray, work hard, and face challenges with courage!

Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel

St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.



Butler, PA
Phoenix, AZ

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