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Join Catholics for Catholics and Arizona Right to Life in the fight for a culture of life!

Articles | August 26, 2024 | by Catholics for Catholics


Arizona stands at the brink of a moral catastrophe with the evil Arizona Abortion Access Amendment Prop 139. If this amendment passes in November, it will legally enshrine the slaughter of infants up until the moment of birth into the Arizona State Constitution.

This is not just an attack on life; it is an outright embrace of a culture of death. Let your voices be heard!

Join Catholics for Catholics and Arizona Right to Life in the fight for a culture of life!

While it may seem that these problems belong to the secular realm, we wholeheartedly disagree. The late Pope Benedict XVI was clear that while “the Church cannot and must not take upon herself the political battle to bring about the most just society possible, she at the same time cannot and must not remain on the sidelines in the fight for justice.” Deus Caritas Est 28

We are respectfully and humbly asking our Bishops not to remain on the sidelines in this fight against the Arizona Abortion Access Amendment Prop 139. The tradition of them endorsing other State Propositions as they have done in the past has the thankfully set the precedent for rejecting Proposition 139, especially as it this relates to the “preeminent issue” in our country. Click here to sign the petition > 

As you consider signing this petition please remember to pray for our Bishops as they do for us!

Catholics for Catholics 
Arizona Right to Life


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