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Beasts of America

Articles | September 10, 2024 | by Catholics for Catholics

I took the opportunity to re-read George Orwell’s Animal Farm this last weekend.  Without sounding too much like an eighth-grade book report, I was, indeed, struck by his powers of prognostication.  In it, he presages exactly how the Democrat Pary uses the blue collar and underclasses, trapping them in a sullen and resentful cycle.  He warned us about the modern Democrat Party.  The tones and message of totalitarianism are in the book, but there is something different as well.  It appears like he portrays perfectly how the working classes are exploited by the Democrat Party as useful idiots.  Consider.

In reality, the Democrat Party doesn’t have much to offer.  They are bankrupt of new ideas.  After all, socialist Marxism has been in existence for generations.  The two ways that they remain in power are through lies and fear.    

The misguided belief that they want what is best for us is the first thing the left throws our way.  Every four years, politicians come around complaining to the American people how we have gotten the raw end of the deal.  Whether because of race, or sex, or religion, that we are somehow victims of some evil, white male, cabal.  They say that they, the Democrat Party, is the lifeline of the working man, and will establish a working man’s paradise.  Orwell highlights this concept in a rant by a dying and revolutionary Hog called Major.  He sounds just like any Marxist, Leninist, tattering on about revolution and oppression of the lesser classes.  About his country, England he has only to complain that though it is fertile and “capable of affording food in abundance to an enormously greater number of animals than now inhabit it…” misery continues because of humans.  “…The answer to all our problems…is summed up in a single word – Man…Remove Man from the scene and the root cause of hunger and overwork is abolished forever.” Can’t you easily imagine Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez saying something eerily similar to this?

Every two to four years, the left gins up hatred and enflames passions to manipulate the rage and hunger of those who feel forgotten.  But, if the left wins, what happens?  The way Orwell couches it is “more work, fewer oats”.  In a real-world application that means gasoline at 51percent more expensive than four years ago, electricity 32 percent, and groceries up 22 percent.  Basing our analysis on the last four years, and 12 years of the last 16, the left is incapable of helping the middle and underclasses.  They win based on promises they have no intention of keeping, and then do nothing until the next campaign season.  Then they just repeat the cycle.  Just like the animals on the Mason Farm, the only value that the blue-collar worker in Georgia or Pennsylvania brings is the vote.  Liberals concern themselves with the poor, the marginalized, the minority – every four years.      

Once in power, the left comes to the conclusion that voters don’t have the capacity to know what is best for them.  That we are, somehow, incapable of caring for our own best interests.  Orwell puts it in a way that we see played out in our lives.  “No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napolean that all animals are equal.  He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves, but sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, Comrades, and then where should we be?”  Is this not exactly how things unfold?  Remember two weeks to stop the spread, a mandated radically new vaccine, six feet gaps, masks and the edict that some workers and jobs were just “non-essential” and shut down?  Churches and hospitals were shut down, but not the border.  There was no vaccine required for entry through the southern border, but there was if you wanted to see Grandma in the hospital.  There are lies, and there are damned lies.  

The other method they employ is fear.  That is nothing new.  Now the object of our fear happens to be the mean Donald Trump.  But before Trump, they said the same things about Mitt Romney, and John McCain, and the Bushes.  Even Dick Cheney, who has just come into favor with the left by endorsing Kamala Harris.  Aided by their lickspittle messengers in the media who pass on a daily narrative, the messages go out.  Just as the animals were brainwashed to change opinions that “four feet good, two feet bad” to “four feet good, two feet better”, sycophants in the media pass along the day’s narrative, warning of misinformation, and molding reality to the whim of the leaders.  Democrats offer no plans, no policies, no vision.  They offer fear wrapped in rhetoric, dutifully passed on by a most helpful press.  After the revolution at the farm, any doubtful animal was met with the admonition, “You don’t want Mr. Jones back, do you?”  Just like Mr. Jones, the human owner of the farm, Trump is a boogeyman.  To illustrate the point, former President Trump was mentioned 147 times on the first night of the Democrat Convention alone.  They peddle fear like a drug.  They talk about “vibe” and “joy”, yet their campaign, free from policies, revolves around the evil of a re-ascendant Donald Trump.  

One hopes that that won’t sell forever.  The American voter is not an animal, so we may be at the point when voters want more than Trump Derangement Syndrome.  When gas, food, and housing are at all-time highs under their administration, the anti-Trump message isn’t enough.  After a time, even the animals wanted “less figures [fake news] and more food.”  Lies and fear is all the left has when they have to account for why things were demonstrably better under President Trump – by every metric, and for every demographic; women, minorities, Democrats and Republicans.  

If, at this point in American history, we can’t agree that the Biden/Harris Administration has been an unmitigated failure, what hope is there?   If moderate and otherwise open-minded voters would rather starve, and work multiple jobs, and struggle to keep their lights on just to say they voted against Trump, then there is no room for complaint when there is even more work and less feed.  Because at this point the choice could not be more clear.  They have their chance, now, to fix their situation.  It does not get better if Harris wins.  It is that simple.   

Louis Biad

Catholics for Catholics

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