What is it that unites us as a country on the verge of election 2024? As a group, do we agree on a common language? No. We do not share a culture, a religion, or hereditary bonds. We don’t agree on what heroes or history should be honored, what wars to prosecute, social mores, values, vocabulary definitions, genders, manners, or holidays. Nor, does it appear that we aspire to common ground on many of these issues. What is it that bridges these gaps for the next generation?
A blueprint has emerged which offers the hope of preserving our nation. Any unity to be found right now is coming as a result of the reforming of alliances and major parties along common ground. This group sees that American interests are not being catered to, and in fact are being disregarded. This group, as the informed reader knows, is not uniform in mind, but has come together in advancement of the American interests of peace, health, and liberty. The dichotomy of the political parties is now a false one, as the Republican party shares as much stain of corruption, apathy and elitism as the other party. This paradigm shift has taken shape independent of political party. When a movement arises which causes a confluence of personalities like brash billionaire Donald Trump with Democrat royalty Robert F. Kennedy Jr, who is an environmental attorney, civil rights and health activist; and Tulsi Gabbard, a former rising star of her party and vice chair of the Democratic National Committee; it is a re-shuffling of the deck. Throw in the independent political minds of Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson and Russell Brand devotees and what you see is a group of Americans, with influence, who are willing to put aside pure strains of their own political philosophy out of concern for the direction of the country and a desire to save her. This is the spark which may unite our nation going forward.
What is taking shape is a new battlefront, not between left versus right, but between globalism and nationalism. On the side opposite from Kennedy, Gabbard and Trump are the elitists of this country. Who advocate for war. Who bathe in the power of the state. Who have sold out the middle class and mothballed American productivity. Who have guaranteed jobs to the Uyghur slaves in China at the expense of Cleveland and Motown. Who deify, and are deified by celebrity and who condemn ordinary people to a life less than well lived. This side is comprised of mountebanks frustrated and repulsed by this country and who aim to fundamentally reshape it. They have chosen this as their time to strike, going so far as to swipe the 2020 election and to depose Joe Biden, the sitting President of the United States, once an ally, because he weakened their ability to destabilize this once great land into the future, leaving it unrecognizable in the next four to eight years. They would employ any method available to them to divorce us from our unalienable rights – endowed by the Creator – not the government. Specifically at risk are the rights to religion, to free speech, to bear arms. Our sovereignty as individuals, and as a country are in the balance. This side, embodied by the Obama family, the swamp, the World Health Organization, Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum, George and Alex Soros, Bill Gates, Big Pharma and Big Media, would have this country fall into line with other western states who have abrogated their liberties, like the France and Canada of globalist pawn Macron and tin-pot dictator Trudeau. America’s destiny is to be more exceptional than that, but they would have us reduced to mewling sheep, with their wolf at our door.
Was not the covid response an experiment? Wasn’t it an exercise to see if the American people were ready to be hamstrung – voluntarily sacrificing their liberties for the good of the community? If it was a test, sadly it didn’t turn out well. The post mortem analysis indicates that large numbers of Americans accepted restrictions on association and exercise of religion. We watched our loved ones dying on Skype and we FaceTimed our parents and grandparents from just the other side of town. Holidays were ruined by the dark, shadowy figure of the unvaccinated. Businesses and their “non-essential” employees were lost, our children were robbed of school and interpersonal connection, and we took the vaxx like a good herd takes a brand. We made lists for contact tracing and offered up our autonomies at Big Brother’s altar. We rationed toilet tissue and stood in lines for groceries. We postponed weddings and funerals. Catholics had access to the Sacraments taken from them.
Since then, we have seen the state, and its allies in the media, silence and censor Americans. While we watched, they alone determined what was and what was not mis- and disinformation. We saw them manipulate an election and we watched as their biggest political opponent was arraigned, mugshot, indicted, tried, found guilty and fined in circus sham trials. We have seen billions of dollars squandered in a European war that does not concern us. We have seen our wages drop, and an erosion in the value of our dollars, our freedoms and our lives. These actions are the threats to democracy (demos, meaning “people”, and kratos, meaning “power”), not Donald Trump. When in doubt, consider that just maybe the private sector guy getting shot at is not the risk to liberty and self-determination.
While we have failed the fight for the last 6 years, all is not lost. Against long odds we have another chance. This time, after analyzing the erosion of our liberties, is it not time to unequivocally announce that this is as far as we let them go? That they have trod far enough, and shall be allowed to advance no further? As Reagan might say, this is our second chance “to preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.” America is divinely inspired. And God’s favor is not just a shield to accomplish Reagan’s preservation of these times – that is bad enough. That will not suffice, as the downward spiral must be reversed, not just better managed. No, God’s light is also a sword, hopefully, to be used by this new alliance to scratch and claw and reclaim American exceptionalism.
If we fail, we face bearded men in our daughter’s restrooms. We face the continuation of rising prices of eggs, milk, rent and gas. We face a forever-war foreign policy which will make John Bolton, Bill Kristol and Dick Cheney blush. We face unbridled immigration that will rapidly deface America as we know it. It sounds dramatic, but we will have allowed a global empire to replace our Republic. Vote to make America great again.
Louis Biad
Catholics for Catholics
Your action is key to winning the next Presidential Election.