Articles | October 10, 2024 | by Catholics for Catholics
In the debate Tuesday night, Senator JD Vance from Ohio wiped the floor with Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. In doing so, he made one of a few closing arguments for him and his ticket mate, Donald Trump, to be the next President and Vice President of America. Vance made it clear why Trump chose him. He is a clear thinker, a calm yet remarkable debater, and an amiable fellow. A warrior and a child of middle America, he also made a case for him to be the MAGA standard bearer in a post-Trump world. With a Trump win, loss, or assassination, Vance showed himself ready to sit at the adult table.
That he shined a bright light on the difference between Trump’s accomplishments as 45th president and the Biden/Harris record is all he needed to do and it is really what the former President foolishly failed to do in his debate with Ms. Harris. As he tends to do, Mr. Trump got caught up in the weeks. Nevertheless, going forward Vance made the choice in front of the American people a clear one. Consider.
At this point if a voter chooses Harris over Trump it means that he approves of the billions of dollars given to Ukraine, Israel, Ethiopia, Jordan, Egypt, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Congo, Syria and the illegal immigrants that have flooded into our country over the last 3 and a half years. At the same time, it means that said voter approves of giving the hurricane victims in American Appalachia the insulting $750 to recover their lives, just as President Biden gave Hawaiians 500 dollars per head when their state burned. Americans who have been wiped out are being ignored and insulted simultaneously. The other option is that it means the Harris voter hates Donald Trump so much that he will see Americans suffer just so he can tell his friends that he doesn’t support Trump.
It means that Americans who support Harris over Trump accept that FEMA claims that there is no more money left for hurricane victims because they gave $640 million to immigrants in 2024. Or, again, they just hate Trump.
It means that never ending wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, each ramping up to a worrisome status, is more acceptable to the Harris voter than a return to the relative peace during the Trump years. How loathsome must a Harris voter find Trump in order to prefer the sacrifice of young men and billions of dollars in the name of perpetual war? It means that they find neocon warmongers like Dick Cheney, Bill Kristol and John Bolton preferable to global stability.
A Harris voter prefers for babies in the eighth and ninth month, and those who survive abortion attempts, like in Walz’ home of Minnesota, to be murdered rather than make this an issue that each state can decide at the local level. To be very clear, Trump has not outlawed abortion, nor does he intend to. He is hated so much that they find this slaughter of children more palatable that pulling a lever for him or just staying home on election day.
The now postponed dock worker’s strike (a donation to Kamala) for the first time in 40 years is happening under the Harris watch. This only brings to the forefront of attention that “Made in the USA” means something. It means thousands of factories in blue collar communities will be pulled out of mothballs under a Trump administration. Children will get antibiotics and pain relief from California, instead of waiting for those sourced in China and sitting in a container in Baltimore Harbor. It means automobile plants in Michigan roar back to life.
The Harris voter is for female hygiene products in men’s restrooms and locker rooms. It means Americans will become familiar with the spelling of zhe and zhir. It means that parents who stand against some wacko public-school teacher wanting to transition their child’s sex will risk having their children removed from the home. Men will compete against girls in sports. Injuring many, eradicating from memory women’s athletic records, and robbing girls of competitive and Olympic dreams for which they work their entire lives. But, we know, Trump is bad.
The Harris voter doesn’t believe in his heart that she has the wit, competence, strength and wisdom to be President. But they prefer her to Trump.
It means mandated vaccines. It means an erosion of free speech, more of YouTube and Facebook bans.
Under President Trump real wages grew by close to eight percent. Under Biden they shrunk by over two. Trump wants no tax on tips or overtime for the hardest working and forgotten Americans in middle America. The blue collar would be rewarded, reawakening the American dream – again. The MAGA movement is the voice of the middle and lower classes. In 2020, the vote count was, for all intents and purposes, 50/50 – yet Biden collected the votes and endorsements of 70 percent of American Billionaires. A vote for Harris means opposing a return to the administration which ushered in the lowest unemployment, the highest rate of entrepreneurialism for women and minorities, and the highest standards of living seen since Monica Lewinsky occupied the Oval Office.
The latest figures show that over 70 percent of the invasion force at our southern border went without an inquiry for refugee status. 70 percent that just came across, receiving public funds, driving up home prices, increasing crime rates. But…Trump sent mean tweets.
Trump has a shelf life now. Either four more weeks or four more years. But the MAGA movement represents a realignment of the political parties. No longer is the discussion right versus left, it is globalism versus national populism. Globalism has destroyed the entertainment industry, free speech, national health, race relations, the economy, eradicated unbiased journalism, turned public education into a dirty joke, and ruined American cities.
As detailed above, there is a voting bloc which knows Trump to be the superior choice, but who can’t get themselves to vote for him. And reasons to dislike him abound. This, however, is a selfishness which they must get past. To doom their families and children to more of the Biden/Harris disaster, just out of a distaste for the man, is an egregious error in judgement and dereliction of duty. Then there are the poor souls in America who love this country but are blind to how bad things have become because they believe what leftists and their media accomplices say about Donald J. Trump. Lastly, there is a great percentage inside the Harris voting bloc that flat out wishes to dismantle the American experiment. That wants to turn over control of this country to Davos, to the WHO, to the Gates foundation. They want American exceptionalism and American sovereignty to go away. They love to say things like “We are all Ukrainians now!” That can’t be allowed to proceed. The MAGA movement cares more about Springfield, Illinois, Hawaii, North Carolina and Detroit than it does Kiev or Tel Aviv. And there is nothing wrong with that.
Louis Biad
Catholics for Catholics
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