Over the next days, thousands of patriots will join newly elected President Trump in Phoenix, Arizona!
From everyday volunteers, to leaders of major organizations, pretty much everyone who had a major role in the historic election last month, will be at the America Fest Event put on by Turning Point Action USA.
Catholics for Catholics was honored to lead Turning Point’s outreach to Catholics during the Election. It was only fitting then after the Catholic landslide that they would ask us to lead a major breakout session at America Fest on the crucial role Catholics must play to secure the Catholic vote in the years ahead.
We’ll be announcing on stage some of our action plans as we head into 2025-2026. Catholic convert and Hollywood star Rob Schneider from Saturday Night Live will join us along with others for this special presentation on Friday, December 20th at 10:00 AM AZ Time at the Phoenix Convention Center, Room 126 ABC.
But here’s the best news of all.
We’ll be bringing Jesus Christ, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity into the heart of this event! We will conclude our presentation with Adoration and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament accompanied with Gregorian Chant by Men’s Choir, Floriani. And while we’re at it, we will consecrate the United States of America and this new Administration to Our Lady as we kneel before her Son in the most Holy Eucharist.
This is what Catholics for Catholics is all about: We exist to bring Christ to the public square and be a support for frontline warriors.
Please keep us in prayer as we will do for you at America Fest. Prayer and Action…
God Bless and Fight On!
John Yep
CEO, Catholics for Catholics
Turning Point’s annual event, AmericaFest, will be held December 19-22, 2024, at the Phoenix Convention Center. Those who attend this one-of-a-kind, four-day event will hear from dozens of the nation’s top leaders, network with thousands of like-minded attendees and 100+ partnering organizations, and experience concerts featuring top artists in the country- all while celebrating the greatest country in the world, America. Following a Turning Point event, these attendees return to their campuses and communities more energized than ever.
Your action is key to winning the next Presidential Election.