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Catholics for Catholic Teams Up With TPF For A Public Act Of Reparation For Blasphemous Circus in Arizona

Articles | January 15, 2025 | by Catholics for Catholics

Catholics for Catholic Teams Up With Traditional Family and Property Organization For A Public Act Of Reparation For Blasphemous Circus in Arizona

Debriefing on the Paranormal Circus
By Jesse Romero, Catholics for Catholics Contributor

We just finished a 3-day public rosary & prayers of reparation at the Paranormal Circus at the Phoenix Premium Outlets in Chandler, AZ held inside the Gila River Indian reservation. After contacting the Indian Gila River Police Department, they did not allow us inside the Indian reservation to pray. The reservation is its own little country, they have their own constitution, their own laws and their own Police Department. About 35 Catholic prayer warriors assembled about 100 yards away at Pecos Park in Phoenix Arizona which is the closest we could get to the Paranormal (satanic) Circus. Jesse Romero from Catholics for Catholics led a three-day public rosary on Saturday (1-11-25), Sunday (01-12-25) and Monday (01-13-25) from 3pm (the hour of Mercy) to 5pm, this was the final day of this blasphemous Circus. Many of the circus performers were men dressed as Catholic Nuns simulating immoral acts. The circus used satanic symbols like pentagrams and some performers were wearing devil horns and the female performers were dressed extremely immodest and simulating physical sinful acts and doing obscene gestures. This paranormal circus combines blasphemy, public immorality, scenes simulating torture and death and the acceptance of satanism. It’s plain wicked.

The Paranormal (satanic) Circus is active, they are traveling to 114 different cities in the country to try to normalize satanism to our children and low information Americans. This should inspire Catholics to organize rosary rallies of reparation and peaceful protests. This is not your regular family ‘Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus’, it’s so vile and wicked that no-one under the age of 13 will be admitted to the Circus. Teenagers between 13 – 17 must be accompanied by an adult. The woke, DEI, Marxist, culture of death is trying to normalize Satan (their father) in American culture.

I assure you, those satanic performers inside that circus tent were doing rituals, curses, hexes, spells and incantations directed at the city of Chandler. Catholic prayers of reparation minimize, nullify and actually stop the damage from these curses and rituals projected by these satanists. I’ll give you an analogy, the satanic ritual from this circus is like placing a spiritual roadside bomb in the city of Chandler, our Catholic prayers (when you’re in a state of grace) remove and obliterate these spiritual roadside bombs.

This public prayer rally is a return to properly ordered Patriarchy. The Men led the public prayers and the men stood in front and the women stood in back because Men are called to lead and protect women. I stood on the back of my Truck; it gave me the high ground to project my voice so that all the prayer warriors (and those around us) could hear our prayer. T.F.P. provided us with 3 banners and CforC provided us with handheld signs and the sheets containing the spiritual warfare prayers we used all 3 days.

Public blasphemy requires public reparation

The Catholic Encyclopedia explains, “We are restored to grace through the merits of Christ’s Death, and that grace enables us to add our prayers, labors, and trials to those of Our Lord ‘and fill up those things that are wanting of the sufferings of Christ’ (Colossians 1:24). We can thus make some sort of reparation to the justice of God for our own offenses against Him, and by virtue of the Communion of the Saints, the oneness and solidarity of the mystical Body of Christ, we can also make satisfaction and reparation for the sins of others.” In this way we can help repair the spiritual damage that others have done and contribute to the healing of the world. Jesus himself appeared to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque and asked her to promote devotion to his Sacred Heart as a way to make reparation for various sins committed against him. Prayers of reparation can also be thought of as “prayers of love,” proclaiming to Jesus the love you have for him, even when others reject him. It provides an opportunity to recognize the damage our sins have upon the world and to repair it by our acts of love. One of the most common ways this was expressed in the past was when a church was vandalized. The parish community would then host a “night of reparation,” offering up prayers to God to repair the spiritual damage done and to help restore our communion with God. It was a way to express love to God when others had expressed their hatred. Above all, prayers of reparation help us to understand that our actions have both physical and spiritual consequences. Justice requires that we repair the damage in both ways, invoking God’s healing touch upon our sins and the sins of the world – What are prayers of reparation? (

Biblical mandate to pray in public

Because I am my brother’s keeper (cf. Genesis 4:9).

Ephesians 5:11 “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.” We are called to pray for our enemies (cf. Luke 6:27-28). Our prayers are more effective when we pray as a large community of believers (cf. Matt 18:20).

In the movie “For Greater Glory,” before one of the final battles General Gorostietta (actor Andy Garcia) rallies his men by saying: “…You must remember, Men will fire bullets, but God will decide where they land.” In like manner I told my fellow Catholic brothers and sisters, we will fire ‘arrow prayers’, God will decide on whom and where they land. Our job is to show up and suit up and pray (fire away).

 We pray these satanist receive the grace of conversion

Canon 1752 “… keeping in mind the salvation of soulswhich in the Church must always be the supreme law.”

Everything is possible with God. Blessed Bartolo Longo was a satanic priest, the prayers of Catholics gave him the grace of conversion. He came into the Church and spent the rest of his life promoting the holy rosary in the service of Our Lady. We must pray to enlighten the minds of the blind with faith, hope and love.

St. Louis de Montfort (The Secret of the Rosary) said: “Public prayer is far more powerful than private prayer to appease the anger of God and call down His Mercy, and Holy Mother Church, guided by the Holy Ghost, has always advocated public prayer in times of public tragedy and suffering.”

CCC 1285 …For “by the sacrament of Confirmation, [the baptized] are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. Hence they are, as true witnesses of Christ, more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed.

I was glad to see more men came out to pray than women, That’s a good sign. Men’s prayers sound like a baritone voice, especially in the dessert. Because prayer has an offensive nature to it, a group of men praying together should sound like drums being pounded by the overlord with a hundred men pulling the oars in unison in a battleship as the overlord says, “ramming speed.” Picture a Roman soldier about to go into battle. As they stand in formation rhythmically pounding their shields, slowly, methodically, with quiet intensity, it strikes fear in the heart of their enemies. This is exactly how Catholic men look like in prayer – this is the Church Militant in action.

In both Diocese of Los Angeles and Phoenix where I have lived, I have been told by the bishop’s office when it comes to satanist coming to our town and blaspheming Our Faith, to “ignore them” and “stand down, don’t go out there and pray, you’re giving them more attention.”

  1. Don’t go out to pray and peacefully protest the satanic conference in Scottsdale AZ (Feb-2022). I led a prayer rally.
  2. Don’t go out to pray and peacefully protest the Dodger Stadium sisters of perpetual indulgence award ceremony (June 2023). We (many of us) led a prayer rally.
  3. Don’t go out to pray and peacefully protest the Drag Queen Christmas Event at the Financial Theatre in Phoenix (December 2023). I led a prayer rally.
  4. Don’t go out to pray and peacefully protest the LGBTQ+ Drag Queen festival at Heritage Square in Phoenix (March 2024). I led a prayer rally.
  5. Don’t go out to pray and peacefully protest the Paranormal (satanic) Circus at the Phoenix Premium Outlets in Chandler AZ held inside the Gila River Indian reservation (January 2025). I led a prayer rally.

Venerable Fulton Sheen said that sometimes the faithful have an obligation to correct Church leaders in charity when it comes to prudential judgments. “Who is going to save our Church? Not our Bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to the people. You have the minds, the eyes, the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops like bishops and your religious act like religious” (Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa, PA – May 28, 1972).

A prudential judgment is an evaluation of a situation where we use the virtue of ‘prudence’ in order to determine the best approach to resolving the issue at hand. The Catechism states: Prudence is the virtue that disposes practical reason to discern our true good in every circumstance and to choose the right means of achieving it. . .. With the help of this virtue, we apply moral principles to particular cases without error and overcome doubts about the good to achieve and the evil to avoid (CCC 1806).

When it comes to the streets we are bound by the Constitution, we have the right to peaceably assemble according to the 1st Amendment. This protection has been interpreted by the courts to encompass various forms of public demonstration, including protests, marches, and rallies, as long as they remain peaceful. We respect the office of Bishop. They are the teachers when it comes to faith and morals, a lay Catholic does not have to ask his Bishop or Pastor if he can go and pray in public, this is something we are expected to do by Our Lord Jesus Christ (cf. Matt 28:19-20) and we are empowered to do so by our Baptism and Confirmation (CCC 1285, 900, 904, 906, 910, 913). The Laity can make a prudential judgement and “enter into the breach” (Ezekiel 22:30 RSV) and go out into the public square to witness to Our Lord Jesus Christ, we have a missionary mandate (CCC 849, 871). Retired Bishop Thomas Olmsted’s document begins with a quote from the biblical prophet Ezekiel that inspired the title “Into the Breach.” In the passage, God warns that the people will perish for their sins unless one man is willing to “stand in the breach” to forestall destruction. Praying outside of the paranormal satanic circus is an ‘into the breach’ moment in the diocese of Phoenix (if there ever was one). 

Page 1. ‘Into the Breach’ (Retired Bishop Olmsted) – “The world is under attack by Satan, as our Lord said it would be (1 Peter 5:8-14). This battle is occurring in the Church herself…One of the key reasons that the Church is faltering under the attacks of Satan is that many Catholic men have not been willing to ‘step into the breach’ to fill this gap that lies open and vulnerable to further attack…Page 22. My sons and brothers, men of the Diocese of Phoenix, we need you to step into the breach.”

Catholics in the Public Square (Bishop Olmsted)

Foreword ii. “It’s the job of priests to give their people those tools – in other words to form Catholic laypeople to think and act as disciples of Jesus Christ, in a manner guided by the teaching of the Church. Catholic lay people should be the leaven of Jesus Christ in the public square…p.3 lay men and women are in a unique position to bring their faith into all areas of society…p.7 A lay person in the public square has a particular responsibility to live his or her vocation in view of its unique impact on society…especially those involved with all forms of the mass media, a significant part of their responsibilities it to live their faith by promoting the common good in society…p.33 Finally, prayer is a primary means of promoting and fostering a ‘culture of life.’ While personal daily prayer is always important, public prayer gatherings can provide a striking witness to the rest of society.”

*In my opinion, the laity are morally obligated to protest against this grave evil coming to our Diocese. We have our marching orders in black and white. For me and my wife not to protest, we would be guilty of the sin of omission. Remember that the Christian life is one of action – not of speech or daydreams. Let there be few words and many deeds and let them be done well. 

Bishop Barron spoke said – “ignorant mobs and anarchists are tearing down statues of saints, defacing church monuments, and setting the churches on fire…This has caused many people to finally ask: what are the bishops doing? Bishop Robert Barron answered this question with another question: ‘What are you laymen doing?’ On June 24, Bishop Barron published an article on his Word on Fire blog titled, ‘Why ‘What Are the Bishops Doing About It?’ Is the Wrong Question. According to His Excellency, many lay Catholics like to complain that their leadership does nothing about the problems happening in the world while doing little themselves. Although he grants that the bishops could do more (though not much more), he claims that these concerned Catholics ‘are putting way too much onus on the clergy and not nearly enough on themselves.’ Rather, he argues that it is the laity, not the clergy, who must fight the legal and cultural battles in the public square. To support this claim, he cites the Vatican II document Lumen Gentium, which states that ‘the laity, by their very vocation, seek the kingdom of God by engaging in temporal affairs and by ordering them according to the plan of God.’ Bishop Barron…means that the bishops need to attend to Church matters more or less exclusively while laypeople live out their Catholicism in the secular world – Bishop Barron’s Pitiful (But Honest) Response to a Church in Crisis ( Bishop Barron said: ‘I would argue that the lion’s share of the work regarding this massive societal problem belongs to those whose proper arena is the society and whose expertise lies precisely in the relevant areas of concern, namely, the laity’” Are Catholic flame wars evangelizing online? Bishop Barron says ‘no’  | Catholic News Agency.

Let me give you an example of “stepping into the breach” and “going into the public square.”

On June 25, 2020, my younger brother Johnny Romero (former Marine; Blue Collar Los Angeles Dept. of Water and Power city worker, father of 6 and zealous Catholics) was called by a fellow pro-life Catholic Laura Chavez who told my brother that Black Lives Matter & Antifa were on their way to San Fernando Mission Park (across from the Catholic Mission CA). About 100 anarchists were marching over there to tear down a statue of St Junipero Serra. My brother Johnny without hesitating inspired by his love for God and the Catholic Faith drove over to the San Fernando Mission Park CA (armed with a rosary) and met up with 6 other Catholic men who were also called. They held back about 100 BLM, antifa anarchists hell bent on toppling the Catholic statue with chains, these anarchists were screaming, cussing, threatening them with violence if they didn’t move out of the way. The Los Angeles Police finally arrived and stood between my brother, the 6 other Catholic men and 100 anarchists that were threatening them with violence. I watched this video through my iPhone, it was sent to me by someone who was there. My brother did not ask his Pastor or his Bishop if he can go and protect the statue of Fr Junipero Serra, he did so based on his love for God and the Catholic faith. Natural law and his faith compelled him to put his body in harm’s way and stand in front of the statue in front of a mob that had real bad intentions. I talked to my brother later and in retrospect, my brother realized that he could have been killed and left 6 kids orphans, he said that crossed his mind, but he felt duty bound by his Catholic faith to go into the public square and defend a statue of the Church and suffer the consequences.

This is the most exciting time to live in salvation history. The saints in heaven are saying “I wish I could be living on planet earth right now and doing battle.” We live in biblical times, these are the same days, just like Moses who stood against the gods of Egypt, Moses stood up against the Pharaoh, Elijah stood up against 450 false prophets, the Maccabees stood against the gods of the Greeks, the early Catholic Christians stood against the gods of the Romans and GODS team always WINS. However, there will be casualties and suffering. “If we suffer, we shall also reign with him…” (2 Tim 2:12 DR), “But when these things begin to come to pass, look up, and lift up your heads, because your redemption is at hand.” (Luke 21:28 DR).

Servant of God Fr John A. Hardon said: “I can honestly tell you the future of the Church in our country depends heavily on the zeal of lay Catholics like yourself.” Wake up Catholics, it’s time to hit the streets, don’t hit the snooze button. We’re called to be great saints, don’t miss the opportunity, bring your rosary to these public rallies, be in a state of grace and let’s take space in the public square for Christ the King every time the enemies of God insult and blaspheme Our Lord and our Catholic faith.

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