Saint Pachomius

St. Pachomius can justifiably be called the founder of cenobitic monasticism, monks who live in community. Even though St. Antony the Great was the first to go into the desert to live a life of seclusion pursuing evangelical perfection, he lived a heremitic life, that...

The Demon Militates Toward Absurdity

This expression succinctly denotes that it is not enough that the evil one pushes creation towards redefinition or destruction.  He desires to do it in a manner that denigrates, apes and makes a mockery of all aspects of God’s plan.  In all ways it is...

Saint Peter of Tarantaise, Bishop

Peter was born near Vienne, France in 1102 and died at Bellevaux, France in 1175. He was canonized in 1191. At the age of 20 he entered the Cistercian Order, and convinced his family to enter along with him.  His two brothers and his father entered...

Saint John of Beverley

St. John of Beverley was the Bishop of Hexham, and later of York. He was born in Harpham, Yorkshire, and died in Beverley on May 7, 721. As a youth, John manifested a strong desire to devote his life to God, and eventually left his native Yorkshire and traveled Kent...
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