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The Catholic, the Cackler, and the Capitalist (Part II)

Articles | August 19, 2024 | by Catholics for Catholics

Recall Part I of this piece’s hypothesis: an unbiased observer might justifiably ask if Catholic Democrats just don’t care what the Church teaches. “Catholic” Joe Biden is not on the ticket, and there has never been a clearer contrast between candidates on moral and liberty issues of the day.

The indictment of the Democrat Party, and its standard bearers continues with the “trans-ing” of America. The issue of transgenderism and human dignity go hand in hand. Pope Francis (hardly a member of MAGA nation) on the human person:

• “Gender ideology, at this time, is one of the most dangerous ideological colonizations. It goes beyond the sexual.”
• “Today the ugliest danger is gender ideology, which cancels out differences”.
• “Gender identity theory “denies the difference and reciprocity in [the] nature of a man and a woman and envisages a society with-out sexual differences” with the consequence that “human identity becomes the choice of the individual, one which can also change over time“. (Pope Francis, 56)
• “Gender Ideology is ‘Dangerous’’.
• “Once the human being declares independence from reality and behaves with absolute dominion, the very foundations of our life begin to crumble“. (Laudato Si, 117)
• “[It] goes against the human vocation.” (Pope Francis)

None of this is novel. The Church has held this eternal truth since it was revealed in Genesis; “male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27)

Former President Trump, for his part has vowed to stop the mutilation and sterilization of children should he be re-elected.

Further, as was witnessed repeatedly during that sacrilegiously woke Olympics, it is wrong for men to be competing in women’s sports.  Trump has vowed to do away with that.

If anyone needed a reminder about issue, it came when a female Italian boxer threw in the towel a mere 46 seconds into the first round of her fight with her overpowering and misgendered opponent.

This Forced surrender brought this brutal reality to international attention.  As women competitors are waking up to the dangers and unfairness of their plight, they are beginning to speak out.  On a different occasion, a stunned Bulgarian boxer, after losing in a decision to an athlete with XY chromosomes looked at the crowd and signaled two X symbols with her index fingers.  Her message, a direct allusion to the uphill battle faced by female athletes, and hopefully it becomes a rallying cry.

On the other hand, Ms. Harris’ running mate placed feminine hygiene products in boys’ bathrooms of public schools and is strongly in favor of whatever Frankenstein measures man can concoct in the name of transgender care.  This is crucial in a time when California has just enacted laws banning school from any disclosure of a student’s gender identity or sexual orientation to any person without the child’s permission.  If that isn’t terrifying enough, in 2023, Governor Walz signed sweeping legislation guaranteeing access to transgender care. 

The bill affirms that his state of Minnesota agencies will:

  • coordinate to protect people or entities who are providing, assisting, seeking, or obtaining gender affirming health care services.
  • Will decline to help other states that try to penalize individuals and entities seeking gender affirming health care services.
  • To the maximum extent possible, the state will refuse requests to extradite individuals accused of committing acts related to, securing of, or receipt of gender affirming health care services.

One must ask, is there any state that is trying to restrict the actions of adults?  In the absence of that, it appears that these actions are being taken to ensure that children have access to these grotesque procedures.  And what happens to parents or guardians who try to prevent their children from being folded into this web?  They risk separation from their children.  The state shall determine the rights of those parents.

Next issue.  “All citizens and all governments are obliged to work for the avoidance of war.”  [CCC2308]  “Because of the evils and injustices that accompany all war, the Church insistently urges everyone to prayer and to action so that the divine Goodness may free us from that ancient bondage of war.”  [CCC2307]  “The production and the sale of arms affect the common good of nations and of the international community.  Hence public authorities have the right and duty to regulate them.  The short-term pursuit of private or collective interests cannot legitimate undertakings that promote violence and conflict among nations and compromise the international juridical order.  [CCC2316]

The pursuit of war for the sake of war profiting is wrong.  The inability to bring about peace is a serious flaw in a leader tasked with such solemn responsibility.  The equivocation of an administration which denounces terror, but also financing regimes which employ terror as a means of foreign policy is a defect.  The Democrat Party is guilty of each of these failings.  By failing to force an end to the Russian/Ukrainian conflict, which it could, this administration has allowed or promoted war.  By financing the war, and providing weapons to a side with little hope of victory, Biden/Harris has extended the war needlessly, causing countless deaths.  And, this country and its arms manufacturers have profited from the sale of weapons to Ukraine, like a drug peddler.

Ms. Harris and Mr. Biden’s unwillingness to state, with moral clarity, that the reprehensible actions of cells like Hamas and Hezbollah – at the behest of the state of Iran – are terror, and not political efforts is despicable and it allows to continue a festering pattern of conflict in the Middle East.

The Presidency of Mr. Trump ushered in a peaceful era in our nation unseen in quite some time.  Conflict existed, but Trump’s peace through strength and unpredictability kept foreign adversaries at bay and left malicious actors to bide their time until the next American president.  That says quite a lot and it is clearly a point to Mr. Trump’s eternal credit.  Trump’s calls to end the European conflict, and his braggadocious talk about ending it in 24 hours is quite the opposite of Kamala, who, by nature of being a leftist, liberal Democrat, feels the need to project a doth-protest-too-much bellicosity.

On issues of immigration and economics, the narrative is that the capitalist is heartless.  But what is the reality?  Catholics don’t have to avoid engaging in discussion of these issues if they happen to be conservative.  Truth is truth, and if the conservative view is correct and effective, it would be odd to cede the moral high ground to the leftist.  If these policies benefit the polity and its people, to engage in this debate means to insist on effective governance with compassion and charity.

The truth is that Border Czar Harris has not been a failure.  Quite the contrary.  And any temptation to claim that ought to be suppressed.  Instead, realize that invasion is the plan of the Democrat Party.  Democrat politicians entice foreigners, used as pawns, to come to this country and turn them and their families into lifelong Democrat voters.  While the border is an issue on which the Church has struggled to stay impartial, it is important to note that according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church [no 2241] “Political authorities, for the sake of the common good for which they are responsible, may make the exercise of the right to immigrate subject to various juridical conditions, especially with regard to the immigrants’ duties toward their country of adoption.  Immigrants are obliged to respect with gratitude the material and spiritual heritage of the country that received them, to obey its laws and to assist in carrying civic burdens.”  In layman’s terms, this verse says that immigrants should obey the law (presumably even immigration laws) and that a sovereign country has the right to meter immigration when necessary. Holding those positions is not inherently or objectively evil.  Which means that Trump’s policies align, perfectly consistent with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Lastly, it is important to acknowledge that moral issues extend beyond the sphere of life and death.  The eroding of the value of people’s money reflects on the dignity of work and the dignity extended to those who provide for their family.  Church teaching on financial matters is equally as deep and developed as other questions of morality.  Central to its teaching is that inflation hits hardest on those in the lower income brackets.


  • “Those oppressed by poverty are the object of a preferential love on the part of the Church”. [CCC2448]
  • The “defenseless and the poor have a claim to special consideration” because they have fewer “resources of their own to fall back on”. (Pope Leo XIII, as quoted in Centesimus Annus, 10)
  • “[I]t is for this reason that wage-earners…should be specially cared for and protected by the government.” (Pope Leo XIII, 37)
  • In fact, “considerations of justice and equity can at times demand that those in power pay more attention to the weaker members of society, since these are at a disadvantage when it comes to defending their own rights and asserting their legitimate interests.” (Pope St. John XXIII, 56)
  • This principle demands the government focus on inflation as it harms the least among us most.

Proof being in the pudding, it is no doubt to anyone with eyes and a willingness to see, that through acts of commission and omission, the Biden/Harris Administration has brought about punitive inflation.  They have fabricated the worst food inflation in 50 years, and have been unable to tame any of it.

Kamalanomics >

Prior to Covid, President Trump had ushered in an environment which was conducive to the financial stability of every family, regardless of race, creed, color or tax bracket.  Inflation, homelessness, unemployment; by any metric used the Trump Administration succeeded where Vice President Harris has failed.

To be clear, the Catholic can vote for whomever he desires.  But if he does so imprudently, he risks severing himself from the perennial teachings of the church, and he will someday have to answer for what he supported.  Catholics have certain responsibilities; weekly Mass attendance, confession, tithing and fasting, to name but a few.  These obligations are what differentiate a religious person from one who considers himself a “spiritual” person.  These encyclicals, passages from the Catechism, and comments from the Holy Father are Holy Mother Church telling us what to do.  Not even half the priests, bishops or cardinals will agree with the conclusions of this assessment, for they too are not immune from the spirit of the time.  For this reason, above all, it is important to stay anchored to the Truth.  For as Saint Thomas More admonishes, “I do not care if I have against me all the bishops; I have with me the Saints and all the Doctors of the Church.”  It is there that the Catholic voter must take guidance.

Louis Biad
CforC Contributor

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