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Beads for Babies – March to Defend Life in Arizona

Articles | October 1, 2024 | by Catholics for Catholics

Beads for Babies – March to Defend Life in Arizona is a peaceful, prayerful demonstration to show the world that Catholics stand united against abortion.

When: October 14th, 2024 8:00AM
Where: Starting at Holy Cross Catholic Parish and ending at Planned Parenthood in Tempe, AZ.
Contact the organizers: Click here 

“As Catholics we are called to defend and respect life from conception until natural death. Join us as we take a stand against abortion in our 14 mile relay. We will be leading a procession with a 50 ft rosary from Holy Cross Catholic Parish to Planned Parenthood in Tempe.

 This is a peaceful prayerful demonstration to outwardly show the world that Catholics do not condone, support, endorse, or aid abortions. We will hand off this 50 ft Rosary every mile in a relay fashion until we come to the end during this each mile we will be meditating on each of the 14 stations of the cross wile continuously praying the Rosary. We are calling all Catholics to unite but especially those who reside in the 14 parishes that surround our procession path. 
Remember above all this is a call to demonstrate and stand for our faith. It is a call for prayer with intentions being offered to bring an end to the practice of abortion. Our hope is that through images of the Blessed Virgin and though asking for her intercession by praying the Rosary we can turn hearts back to Jesus Christ.” Bead for Babies organizers

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